Tales from Fern Hollow: Castaways on Heron Island

  • Miss Crisp and her class followed Lord Trundle down to the River Ferny where they found a little boat waiting for them. Everyone climbed on board and Lord Trundle cast off and started the engine. “First stop, Heron Island,” he cried. The children cheered loudly. They were all very excited. Patch and Pippa peered over the side of the boat, down into the dark, green water, where they could see the fish darting around beneath them. Patch thought he caught a glimpse of a big, green pike sliding by. “It was just like a submarine,” he said. From the island, hidden amongst the tall reeds, a strange bird watched the boat approaching. It was Old Man Heron. He was a solitary sort of gentleman and not at all pleased to have his peace and quiet spoiled by a lot of noisy school children. He would have to keep an eye on them. He watched as the boat pulled up to the shore and the children and Miss Crisp climbed out. “Have a nice time,” said Lord Trundle. “I’ll be back to collect you later this afternoon.”
  • Has not been adapted
Two bunnies being looked at by a heron