Elizabeth Gail and the Frightened Runaways


Author: Hilda Stahl

Libby Dobbs turned quickly. Had she heard a muffled sneeze? Yes, that pile of hay was moving. Someone was hiding in the barn! Libby stepped forward. "I see you there in the hay," she called. "Come out right now!" To heads popped up -- two heads that were exactly alike. "April and May Brakie!" Libby gasped. "Libby," April said, "we need your help!" Could Libby risk helping the Brakie twins when it might get her into trouble with her foster parents, the Johnsons? And when it meant reviving a terribly memory out of Libby's past? Only after a series of exciting events did Libby find the strength to do what was right for the Brakie twins -- and for herself.

Genre: Fiction

Three young girls peaking around a corner of a fence with a field in the background