Toy Library (including unadapted toys)

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A young child sitting on santa's lap, and a young boy standing next to them with his hands on his hips looking mad

Author: Betsy Sachs

Blurp: When Billy Getten's class puts on a holiday play he learns how different cultures celebrate winter and wonders if there really is a Santa Claus.

A young boy sitting on a log next to a lake that has a white swan

Author: EB White

Blurp: Louie is very popular. Who wouldn't love a swan who can read, write, and play the trumpet? When Louie goes to camp, he meets a boy named A.G. who doesn't like birds, and since Louie is a bird, that means he doesn't like Louie. When A.G. pulls a dangerous stunt out on the lake, he realizes that Louie is a hero, after all.

Genre: Classics, Fiction, Young… Read More

a mummy on the front

Author: Gerald O'Farrell

Blurp: The discovery and excavation of Tutankhamun's tomb is one of the most famous archeological finds in history. But compelling evidence suggests the story we know is a sham—Howard Carter and Lord Carnavon actually discovered Tutankhamun's tomb several years before they told the world they did, looted it. re-sealed it, then led the world's media back to the… Read More

The Very Busy Spider
  • Early one morning a little spider spins her web on a fence post. One by one, the animals of the nearby farm try to distract her, yet the busy little spider keeps diligently at her work. When she is done, she is able to show everyone that not only is her creation quite beautiful, but it is also quite useful! 

  • This multi-sensory board book allows children… Read More

  • One sunny Sunday, the caterpillar was hatched out of a tiny egg. He was very hungry. On Monday, he ate through one apple; on Tuesday, he ate through three plums--and still he was hungry. When full at last, he made a cocoon around himself and went to sleep, to wake up a few weeks later wonderfully transformed into a butterfly!
  • Has not been adapted
A window with four panes that is yellow on the inside and in each pane, a cup of tea

Author: EL Konigsburg

How has Mrs. Olinski chosen her sixth-grade Academic Bowl team? She had a number of answers. But were any of them true? How had she really chosen Noah and Nadia and Ethan and Julian? And why did they make such a good team? It was a surprise to a lot of people when Mrs. Olinski's team won the sixth-grade Academic Bowl contest at Epiphany Middle School. It was an… Read More

A bird's eye view of a living room, with a man laying on his back on the area rug

Author: Ellen Raskin

A bizarre chain of events begins when sixteen unlikely people gather for the reading of Samuel W. Westing’s will. And though no one knows why the eccentric, game-loving millionaire has chosen a virtual stranger—and a possible murderer—to inherit his vast fortune, on things for sure: Sam Westing may be dead…but that won’t stop him from playing one last game!

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A bear attacking a lumber jack looking man who is holding onto two little boys.

Author: Sid Fleischman


A shout comes echoing up the stairway. "Fetch the whipping boy!"

A young orphan named Jemmy rouses from his sleep. "Ain't I already been whipped twice today? Gaw! What's the prince done now?" It was forbidden to spank, thrash, or whack the heir to the throne. Jemmy had been plucked from the streets to serve as whipping boy to the arrogant… Read More

A long dark monster that's intimidating a man at night

Author: Brad Strickland

In the woods near his home in Michigan, thirteen-year-old Lewis Barnavelt stumbles upon an ancient grave and silver whistle that draw him, his best friend Rose Rita Pottinger, his uncle Jonathan, and their friend Mrs. Zimmermann into a battle with an ancient evil.

Genre: Fantasy, Young Adult

a broken fence with two young boys looking at it

Author: Gary Paulsen

The winter room is where Eldon, his brother Wayne, old Uncle David, and the rest of the family gather on icy cold nights, sitting in front of the stove. There the boys listen eagerly to all of Uncle David's tales of superheroes. Then one night Uncle David tells the story, "The Woodcutter," and what happens next is terrible--then wonderful.

Genre: Historical… Read More